total indulgence: chapter two.
by allecto

Kevin had pretty much campd out in a hotel near the center, going to visit AJ as often as they (and AJ) would let him. The first day he got to Arizona, Nick left Freddie there, going to see AJ alone. He figured they had some things to work out that a four-year-old didn't need to hear.

And if anyone could take Kevin's mind off feeling guilty, it was his brand new niece.

By the time Nick got back to the hotel that night, Kevin was teaching her how to waltz. Her left hand was gripping the bottom of his shirt, and Kevin was bent over nearly in half, but they both were having the time of their lives. Nick managed to get five or six pictures before Freddie noticed him and abandoned Kevin to hurl her arms around his legs.

"Hey darling," he said, hefting her into his arms and smothering her face with kisses. "Missed you."

"I missed you too, Daddy."

"Were you good for Uncle Kevin?"

"Uh huh," Freddie said. Nick glanced at Kevin, who nodded and mouthed "angel". "I learned all your dances, Daddy, and we read One Fish, Two Fish, and Uncle Kevin taught me how to dance a grown-up dance, and he's gonna show me how to ride a *pony*, Daddy, if we visit him in Ken. Kenk." Freddie wrinkled her nose.

"Kentucky?" Nick asked.

Freddie nodded. "How did you know? You're *so* smart." She lay her head on his shoulder, rubbing at her eyes. "I'm gonna be just like you when I grow up."

Nick kissed her. "I think," he said, "it's bedtime."

"I'm not tired, Daddy." Freddie yawned. "Honest, I'm not. I can stay up *real* late."

"I'm sure you can," Nick said, "but I want to get an early start tomorrow morning. Anyway, it's nearly 9."

"Oh," Freddie said, "okay." She closed her eyes, asleep before she could finish speaking.

"Ponies?" Nick asked.

Kevin had the grace to blush, just a little. "I was younger than she is the first time *I* got on a horse."

"Kev." Nick lay Freddie down on her bed and rooted through a bag for her PJs. "You teach her how and she's gonna bug me until I buy her one of her own, you know that, right?"

"You have a problem with horses?"

"Only when my daughter wants to own one." Nick stripped off Freddie's clothes, gently stuffing her into a footie. "You're going to spoil her."

"Nothing's going to spoil her after the life she's had. Did you know--"

"Yes," Nick said. "I read her social services file. I talked to her. I have her seeing a child psychologist. I know." He zipped the footie up, pulled down the covers, and tucked Freddie in. "But Kev, that's not the life she's gonna have, anymore. And by the time she's 18, I don't want her thinking that all she has to do is ask her uncles for a horse, or a car, or whatever, and it'll be hers."

"Like you're gonna be able to say no to her," Kevin said.

"I have to, don't I?" Nick pressed a kiss to her forehead. "That's my job. It won't make it any easier if she thinks she can run to you four whenever I have to punish her or deny her something."

"It's only a pony," Kevin said. Nick raised an eyebrow. "Yeah," Kevin said, "okay. But I'm blaming you."

Nick shrugged. "Fair enough," he said. "When you and Kris have kids, I'll get my own back."

"Why you little--"

"Shhhh!" Nick said. "You'll wake her up!" He pushed Kevin out the door. "Good night!"

Kevin stuck a foot in the doorway before Nick could close it all the way. He studied Nick until Nick looked away, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"You're a good father," he said. "She adores you. I didn't think--but you are."

Nick swallowed. Kevin took fatherhood seriously. "Thank you," he said.

Kevin hugged him.

"Good night."

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