xi - rehearsal.
by allecto

Chris was late to rehearsal. On purpose. He decided that if he showed up last, they'd have to get straight to the dancing, and skip the intense mocking. He hoped.

He was wrong.

Of course it could have had something to do with the fact that he was wearing his headband.

"I thought you said he'd changed back," Lance told Joey.

"Fuck off," Chris said.

"I'm just wondering what would possess a 30-year-old - boyband member or not - to wear a sparkly pink headband."

"Um, to keep my hair out of my eyes?"

"Chris," Lance said reasonably, "your hair is in no danger of falling in your eyes."

"Fuck off."

"Oh," Justin said, "is wittle Chrissie pissy?"

Wade snorted. Chris whirled around, and pushed Wade against the wall.

"You think that's funny, kid?"

"Chris-" Wade said.

"You think it's fucking hilarious, right? Let me tell you somethin-get *off* me, Joey -" Joey and Justin pulled Chris off Wade, but he kept yelling anyway. "If you had any talent whatsoever, it would've happened to you by now. It's the price of being a popstar, Mr. 6th member of *nsync - and guess what? You. Aren't."

Chris yanked himself out of Joey and Justin's slack arms, and stormed out of the room.

"What was *that*?" Lance asked.

"I'll go find out," JC said.

"Hey man," Justin said, turning to Wade, "you okay?"

"F-fine. A little shaken but..."

"He's wrong, you know," Joey said. "You're gonna be huge. Just wait till your album comes out - give us a run for our money."

Wade gave him half a smile. "Sure," he said, "I'll be turning into a pony or something any day now."

"Just as long as you don't forget the little people," Justin said.

"Don't worry. Me and Brit'll always be tight."

"Oh, some people think they're so funny, now that they're gonna be famous."

"Well, if you don't wanna talk, we can always dance."

"We're missing Chris and JC," Lance said.

"So? We're reviewing old choreography. Y'all can do it just fine without 'em."

"Great," Lance said, and tried to mean it.
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