by allecto

They had had to deal with some heavy shit over the years. There was the time in Germany when a reporter caught Lance making out with another guy. There was the time right after the lawsuit when Justin turned into a girl (which, ironically, had led to a renewal of his friendship with Britney, and, when he changed back, their relationship.) A 20-year-old JC had appeared for a period of about a month. Joey had been able to fly for a few weeks, as they discovered one rehearsal when his harness failed, although the ability had disappeared not long after his accident. He had never been able to satisfactorily explain why his flying was lodged in the health of his shin, but it just went to show. They couldn't explain this stuff. Lou had once called it "the hazards of pop music" and said briefly that it happened to everyone. The upshot of it all was that they weren't surprised when it happened to Chris, so much as resigned.

"It was his turn anyway," Justin said. "Or Lance's."

"No thanks," Lance said. "I think I've had enough to deal with."

"Yeah, but what are we going to *do* with him?" JC asked.

It was a good question. If Chris had just turned into a girl, they would have been fine. Justin had dealt. They just went on a break for a little while, and then Justin changed back, and that was that. It was true that he stopped wearing baby blue, and collected more shoes than anyone not named Imelda had a right to own, but other than that it had all been fine.

The problem was, Chris hadn't turned into a girl. He had turned into a 12-year-old girl.
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