part time lover.
by kamadu

Title: Part Time Lover
Author: kamadu
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Total fiction. Don't know either of the boys or anything about their private lives.
Pairing: Brian/JC
Notes: Any type of feedback, constructive criticism, etc. is welcome at Thanks to my guys (and Kay!) for the read-throughs.

Summary: This is part of the much longer fic I had planned, which just wouldn't cooperate enough to get finished in time. Hopefully I'll be able to post that soon, but for now you get a missing scene of Brian and JC meeting up after a long separation.

It had grown dark hours ago, shadows creeping slowly along the floor, before finally overtaking and enfolding the room. Brian had watched it all from his place on the bed, content to relax as much as he could with the anticipation that kept the butterflies soaring through his stomach.

JC was coming...JC was coming... The phrase had been on an endless loop through Brian's thoughts for the past week, sabotaging every attempt for serious work or conversation. Those closest to him knew the real reason and were happy to joke him back to awareness. He was surprised his head wasn't full of black and blue marks from all the love taps he'd received from the guys trying to get his attention.

Those who weren't privy to the reason for his space cadet routine were not as understanding. This was definitely one of those times when being in a group was handy, as the other guys continually picked up his slack.

Brian figured he was entitled to some spaciness and preoccupation. It *had* been three months since they'd been together. Almost daily phone calls were the only thing that kept either of them sane, but physical contact was greatly missed. He'd seen Leigh more, of course. It was just easier for her to show up out of the blue and not have to hide her comings and goings. Brian thanked God for her every day: for bringing her to him and for her being understanding of his relationship with JC. He had loved JC first, but he loved Leigh just as much. If she had objected, Brian didn't know where they would all be today. Certainly not waiting for his boyfriend to show up and grateful to his fiancee for agreeing to switch her long-planned visit when JC had a sudden opening and a plausible reason for visiting come up at the last minute.

No matter how okay Leigh had said she was with the situation, he still thought his surgery had solidified everything. JC and Leigh had talked a lot during those months; usually phone calls where JC was checking up on his progress, since he couldn't be there in person. Short update calls had turned into hours long conversations with them finding common ground other than the fact that they both loved the same man. They had both come out of that awful time secure with their places in his life and with each other.

So, Leigh was fine with JC and JC was fine with Leigh. They didn't talk as much and rarely saw each other, preferring to let the other have Brian's undivided attention when they could. They all knew that would change once Brian and Leigh married and hopefully had children. JC was looking forward to being an uncle to all of the kids and would spend as much time as he could at their home. Brian and JC had a house for the two of them not far away, since neither was very comfortable with being together in the same house as Leigh lived. The second house was their compromise, letting JC be close by so when they were all in town at the same time, he could see Brian as much as possible, but not be right on top of Leigh.

It had all worked really well so far and none of them saw any reason for it to change. Of course there were fights and problems, but they were able to work them out. And the make-up sex, now there were some happy memories. Brian's favorite was the time they were arguing in the backyard, over something neither of them could remember anymore. Brian just remembered that moment when he looked at JC, so beautiful with his face flushed red from anger, eyes blazing with passion, so sure he was in the right. It wasn't that he fell more in love with JC then, but all those feelings he had for him; love, affection, friendship, lust, all ran through Brian at once with the force of a freight train.

He never knew what JC saw in his face, but that's when he found himself grabbed by the hand and dragged into the house. One scorching, deep kiss later and he'd been bent over the back of the couch and fucked but good. Brian didn't remember many details other than the screaming at the end, then waking up later cuddled on the couch with a very smug JC. They never did get all the stains out of that couch. Now it had a place of honor in their rec room, stain side to the wall to hide the evidence.

"You started without me, huh?"

Brian looked up, eyes verifying what his ears had told him. JC had arrived and he hadn't noticed, too lost in his memories to hear the door or the noise he knew JC always made with his bags. His mind slowly processed JC's words. "What?" He followed JC's pointed stare down to where his own hand was cupping his erection. Oh Lord was this mortifying. At least he was wearing clothes. Being caught jacking off in bed by his lover wasn't really the welcome Brian had planned.

"Don't stop on my account." JC leaned over the bed to give Brian one quick, hard kiss, then settled into a nearby chair. "Please, continue. You know I've been thinking of you just like this, night after night, no lover to help you out. Touching yourself, while you thought of us. I want to watch you see you make yourself come."

JC's voice was amazing. Depending on how he used it, it could make beautiful music, giggle uncontrollably, be tight with anger, or make Brian shiver with lust. Brian's mind supplied the images to go with JC's words, of JC alone, thinking of Brian, as Brian was thinking of him. The shivers ran from his head to his toes, leaving that hot, melting feeling in their wake. Oh yeah, he could get into this. His hands were already moving, rubbing over his chest, scraping lightly over his nipples.

"Are you sure you don't want to come join me? I think I'm getting the better end of this deal." He looked over to JC, who was shaking his head before the request was fully made. "No, you just go on like you're doing. Cause as soon as you're done, you know I'm going to sex you like you've never been sexed before. Consider this the warm-up round."

Oh that had done it. Brian could never resist JC when he got like this. Hips arching off the bed, hand moving on his still clothed erection, and Brian was coming before he'd barely started.

He settled back into the bed, eyes drooping closed, boneless with his release. "Sorry, babe. I wanted that to last for you, but you're just too damn sexy."

If he hadn't been so wiped out, Brian would have practically jumped off the bed when JC's voice growled right into his ear at the same time as all of his weight settled on top of him. "Oh, don't worry about lasting. The night has just begun."

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